Monday, February 16, 2009

Effects of War

Every day I go to the NY Times website just to catch up on the news. It's a good place (and free!) to get a glimpse at what's going on around the globe and in our own country.

Today I ran across this photo slideshow of the damage done in the Israli-Gaza war. It is a good reminder that there are NO good sides to war. There is always damage and in my opinion, war is never a 100% good thing. I find myself again drawn to the love of Jesus for ALL people, not just the people who are on the good side of things...for the Muslim AND the Jew...for the Iraqi AND the American.

As we see the destruction of war and the suffering it brings, let us be reminded of Paul's words in Galatians 3:28..."There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus." Therefore, let us suffer with our fellow man as they suffer in war. Let us not be ignorant of their plight, even though our culture or political system defines them as the enemy. If nothing else, may we be reminded that Jesus loves them as deeply as He loves us.