Thursday, July 30, 2009

Legitimizing our Activities

"Rather than finding biblical legitimation for our activities, we should be submitting all our missionary strategy, plans, and operations to biblical critique and evaluation...Mission today must be seen as arising from something fundamental, from the basic movement of God's people to the world." - Christopher Wright, p. 37 The Mission of God

I'm being challenged lately by the boxes I deal with in regard to faith and theology. It seems that we like nice, neat, packaged systematic theology. However, what I find is that it's not so neat and tidy. For instance, each sermon I work on could have a hundred different angles. There is always more to be said...other thoughts to be had on or around the text. At any given time the text can speak in different ways (granted it's still trying to say what it's trying to say). I used to think if I could just memorize what each verse meant then I would be in good shape...but then the verses spoke in many ways.

I've been brought up in a certain tradition - Anabaptist, Wesleyan, Holiness, and WESTERN. These all impact my reads of Scripture. However there are many more insights into the Scriptures from people of my same theological traditions but in different parts of the world, dealing with realities in different ways.

I've been afraid not to have my theology line have it all have my ducks in a row. But theology is messy, and neat theology that doesn't need to be grappled with seems to me more weak that a theology that isn't all that worked out yet (in fact, is it ever really all worked out). I've been afraid of the criticisms of those who have everything figured out and thought through...those people with all the answers. Then I realize I'm more afraid of the fact they actually think they have it all worked out.

I like what Wright says because he deals with the thrust of the scripture...the movement of it. When I think of the Bible in a sweeping sort of a large story rather than a whole bunch of facts to be figured out...I feel I can breathe! I get excited about the story. The story speaks. If I think of it as facts to memorize...things stuck on a page...a systematic way to explain takes the life out of the Scriptures (for me).