Thursday, June 28, 2007


I did something for the first time this morning I hope to make into somewhat of a routine...I got my tail out of bed at 5:30 a.m. (just because I couldn't take the trash out the night before because of a massive lightening storm) and after taking the trash out sat down and had a time of study. That isn't even the best part. For one reason I was motivated this morning, so I took my bike and rode along the Susquehanna River.

My ride took me to a local park along the river so I parked and enjoyed the view. Then I had the thought, 'why not ride down to the river's edge' I did. It was majestic. It was like God's finger drew a line where the river lies. My attention was drawn to the reflections in the river. I noticed the smaller mountain ranges closer to me had a smaller reflection in the water while the larger ranges in the distance made a much greater reflection in the water.

Reflection got me thinking about...reflection.

Why is it that so often we look at the big things far off and reflect greatly on what could be while we look at the smaller ranges right in front of us, our everyday occurances, with little contemplation? Why is so much time spent pondering the future and not the present?

One reason, I believe, is that the future presupposes the issues of today are no more, whatever they may be. The future is hopeful because it is not the reality of now. I cannot say I look to the day or week and what is now with as much thought as to the future and what may come. I find myself longing for what I don't have and neglecting what I do. I put my mental energies into what isn't a reality and leave what is reality to receive my leftover leftover hope.

So what happens if we reverse it, if we do what James says in his book and we don't make future plans but we live in our current reality? What happens when we bring our hope to the reality of now and not the fiction of what may be future? I think we're changed. I think the people around us are changed. I think there's a new energy that's put forth into the present because we're not so consumed by the future. I'm experiencing it as I live today with intention and purpose...placing my energies to what is while leaving tomorrow on the shelf. We'll pick that one up later...

Get me out of here...

I've got to get out of the church. If I stay within the confines of my cubicle that somewhat resembles OfficeSpace (only with windows) I truly believe I will suffocate. I need people. I need to be in touch with the reality of the lives I want to help with the light and hope of the gospel. I've got to get out of the church.

Some will argue there's plenty of that in the church...I'll give you that. However, I think that is where pastors face the problem of becoming sterile and impotent...when they only have second-hand experience and knowledge of what's going on outside of the congregation. It's a great temptation to get so heads down trying to lead your church and solve everything that you loose touch with the larger picture.

Don't get me wrong, I love the church and am devoting my life to serving it, but for me the best possible way to serve the church with any sort of reality and hope is being intricately connected with what's outside of it. It's what we encourage of our people, but it's something I'm convicted I need to do as well.

So I'm taking a few small but significant steps. I'm getting connected with something called Systems of Care...a piece of social services that reaches out to the faith (notice not Christian) community. I'm also looking at serving as a contracted worker with a social service organization that looks to empower families in making decisions that will reunite them. Those are short term things.

Long term my goal is to see Christ all over the see what He is doing in places I only hear about. I pray for critical relationships to be built in order to make this happen. My hope and my dream is to become involved with a few key people and support their mission from here and to be a part of it there...and to be a part of a global Kingdom. That's a long term thing though as my life situation with three kids under four makes it a bit difficult to do now...but at least the relationships can begin.

I want to have a global perspective in preaching the gospel. I actually want all my presuppositions about everything to be challenged by the reality of the things I see and experience. I know there are key truths to hold on to. But I also know there's a lot I don't know. The mysteries and works of God are endless and I guess I just want to spend life seeing, experiencing, and being a part of as many as possible. Takers?