Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bearers of the Message

"Bearers - not exclusive beneficiaries. There lay the constant temptation. Again and again it had to be said that election is for responsibility, not for privilege." L. Newbigin

I don't want to get off on the track of election and predestination, but rather responsibility. A guy said to me on Sunday after service something to the effect "I leave feeling bad (not his exact words)"...but then he corrected himself and he said "maybe not bad, responsible." I believe that's the bottom line for us as followers of Jesus: responsibility.

The gospel has been narrowly defined through a salvation that addresses on eternity, but not the present. As I grew up I understood salvation to mean heaven and hell, but as I go on reading the Bible and reading what fellow contemporaries are saying I believe salvation is much more than escapism, but it's new responsibility. It's a responsibility for us to be a part of the Kingdom here and now. It involves bearing God's image to those who have not seen it or believed it yet. There's a great responsibility.

Responsibility is different from beneficiary, which I believe is largely where the emphasis has been placed. Beneficiary looks at what is in it for me. It looks at how it effects me. In a way it's selfish, because it is so self-focused. Responsibility automatically implies action. I must do something now that I have experienced salvation. I must share this redemption with others and I must be a part of God's redeeming plan for the world that was initiated upon the fall, has gone on till present day, and will consummate when Jesus returns again.

Responsibility implies action. Salvation implies action. Jesus exemplifies action.

Therein lies my continued burden for the church - to be a people of action. To build bridges into our communities and to bear the light and life of Christ. It's bigger than going to church, it's about joining in the mission of Jesus. It is this mission I believe people want to be a part of. The mission of the redemption and reconciliation of all things. The more and more the church becomes about this the more I believe people will want to be a part of the church.
