Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Newest Addition

Little Jacob has joined our family!!! Never would have I imagined us with four kids, but we have em'! Well, I have to be honest, he's not completely ours. He's our nephew. Ruby's sister just moved next door (which Rube's totally stoked about). We're taking care of Jacob while she works, so we have him 40 or so hours a week. I love the little guy! He has a great personality and eats a ton. He's a year and a half old, so that gives us a 4, 2, 1.5, and .5 year old kids running around the house. The first day was today and it went well. It puts a totally new definition to teamwork in marriage. I'm proud of Rube. She did excellent today with all the kids by herself and we did well working together tonight. Just thought I'd bring you everyone up to speed!!!