Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Beware of the Bandwagon pt. 2

In reading a comment left from yesterday's post I had some further thoughts regarding jumping on the current trends of ministry. Missional ministry presses a heavy emphasis on what we do to live out our faith and to literally bring about the Kingdom of God...or at least on earth. These are outward actions that impact lifestyle decisions and should have a big element in service to others. What I haven't read in my readings exploring missional ministry is how the spiritual disciplines, prayer, or the empowering of the Holy Spirit work into such a movement (if anyone has suggestions on such reading, I would appreciate them). There is a lot of emphasis on being like Jesus, but we must also be filled by the Spirit of Christ. The majority of people today would want to be like Jesus because Jesus was a good man. He had good morals. He treated people right. Who wouldn't want to be like Him?

The tension lies with me in the emphasis on doing faith (missional) above the issue of the Spirit's empowerment. I'm not saying missional leaders don't believe this, but it is not a large part of the conversation. What I am saying is that as we serve, we do it with the strength that God provides (as Peter says). In fact, I think the book(s) of Peter would have great things to say to us regarding our current topic. One of my favorite verses from 1 Peter is says something to the effect (sorry...don't have a Bible in front of me) "He who speaks should do so as if he is speaking the very words of God, let him who serves do so with the strength that God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ."

Missional actions ought to come from the conviction of the Spirit through the power of the Spirit. If you haven't noticed yet, social consciousness is becoming a thing of popularity. Sitcoms regularly feature "green" ideas (I love 30 Rock). Celebrities are featuring atrocities such as Darfur and Africa (who can get past Brad and Angelina?). And those things are great for what they are. They are raising awareness. But what happens if we do it just because everyone else is doing it? If we do it simply as actions of service the question arises, "What are we serving them for?" The coming of the Kingdom of God is about the poor, the orphan, and the widow...but it's about the Kingdom of God...the Savior...entering into the hearts of the poor, the orphan, and the widow. It's not only crossing social barriers and addressing social problems but it's bringing eternal life (in there here and now as well as eternity) and salvation (mental, physical, spiritual, emotional...through Christ) into those places as well.

I admit I don't know much. Even with an MDIV I don't consider myself a great theologian. So what I'm about to say may be way grant me some grace here. This is where I think we must be aware of the works of our faith eclipsing the filling of our hearts with the Spirit of God. It is the Spirit that brings to life the acts of service to our fellow man (or woman). People may not come into a saving relationship with Jesus because of our actions, but it ought to be the intent to show them Christ in such a way that draws them to such a loving Savior. No, I'm not saying people are projects. The thought of that sickens me. What I am saying is that the followers of Christ must serve everyone without bias to show them the deep love and care of the Savior of the world.

Our missional actions must originate with a conviction of the Spirit and be empowered with the Spirit of Christ.